Friday, March 18, 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen Step Right Up, Stroll the 66 Acres of Ringling Bayfront Gardens

The Ringling on Sarasota Bayfront in Sarasota Florida has a number of outstanding
Ca 'd 'Zan at The Ringling
venues and is a centerpiece for Sarasota.  I had gone to see the Bayfront Gardens of Ringling, where The Museum of Art, Circus Museum, Asolo Theatre and the Ringling’s winter home Ca’D’Zan also exist, all on the same compound.

If the name Ringling sounds a bit familiar, it should. John Ringling was one of the five brothers who owned and operated the circus rightly called “The Greatest Show on Earth.”  His success with the circus and entrepreneurial skills helped to make him, in the Roaring Twenties, one of the richest men in America, with an estimated worth of nearly $200 million.  In 1911, John and his wife, Mable, purchased 20 acres of waterfront property in Sarasota… where I stood and marveled on this very day.

The David at The Ringling

The Gardens of 66 acres are just north of downtown and are at the east edge of Sarasota Bayfront.  I found the structures on the property very impressive but only saw them from the outside.  The Museum of Art with its definitive casting of “The David” dominate the interior courtyard of the museum.

The rose garden on the property established by
Mrs. Mable Ringling in 1913.  Now with its restored beauty and 1200 rose bushes strong, it is something to walk through and enjoy the sighs, smells and care given to this garden!  “As awe-inspiring as any work of art, The Ringling Bayfront Gardens are a living treasure.”

Banyan trees (Ficus) at The Ringling

Another favorite of mine were the enormous Banyan trees (Ficus) on the property with their dangling roots, each one wanting to spread the reach of the tree!

Learn more about The Ringling and its colorful history.

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